Sunday, October 30, 2011

SWOT Analysis



Is the mantra for any business school student.  B school professors do an excellent job pummeling this thought process into their students' heads and probably for good reason. If you're a red blooded capitalist, it is a great method for analyzing just about any life situation. I rely on this mantra whenever dealing with anything that could have a material affect on my professional life.

With this said, just saying, "strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats" repeatedly to oneself is not going to produce large dividends or, actually, any. Great. Thanks for wasting my time jerk face. I know that's what you're probably thinking but please reread what I said and more importantly, not said. This isn't a yoga class or a prayer group. Repeating a mantra without understanding is a casebook exercise in futility. The whole point of this entry is about having a qualitative method ready to utilize when life happens. So when life does happen how  do you utilize SWOT?

Easy. Stop whatever you are doing and take a deep breath in. Survey the environment for a moment and then slowly breath out. This is so you can subjectively analyze your situation. You do not want to loose your perspective. From there you ask yourself four simple questions.

What are its strengths?
What are its weaknesses?
What are the opportunities?
What are the threats?

Remember be extremely honest and comprehensive while asking these questions. Being a pop star would be  pretty awesome. You're famous, make a living connecting to millions of people and also probably have a yacht. Those are some serious pluses but I am well aware that no matter how much practice I do not have  the vocals or moves necessary to be the next Justin Timberlake. Remember these four questions are here to prevent futility. Use them!


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